Back to Valenca

Valenca has a population of 82,000 and is the largest town on the Dende coast where we now are. It is the main departure point for tourists wishing to visit Morro de São Paulo. We took another trip there for lunch and some shopping.

This ship is a replica of Niña, one of three in his fleet, and was used in the Ridley Scott film Conquest of Paradise.

A square near the harbour.

The high street.

Chile Mega Store had hired this chap to sing a bit and drum up business. We watched from our restaurant table and he didn't seem tobe having much success.

Most shoppers ignored him.

It is a legal requirement in Brazil to wear motorcycle helmets. What is not clear is how they must be worn and many are worn like this while driving. Off the motorcycle I suppose it's easier than carrying the helmets.

Lunch with Ron (who took the picture), Marli, her friend Marilza, Günter and self.

Ron and Marli.

Roadside fruit vendors.

Dugout fishing canoe.

Trip to Valenca

Ron invited Günter and I to join he and his girlfriend Marli for a boat trip into nearby Valenca.

Günter took all the photos today. Thanks Günter.

Rowing in to catch the ferry.

Ron and Marli aboard the ferry.

Mangroves en route.

It is about a 45min run into Valenca. Here the ferry is passing the outskirts.

Pedestrianised shopping street.

Fresh fruit vendor.

The fish market.

Fresh prawns.

I think these are lobsters.

Valenca viewed from a high point just outside the town.

Lovely tropical flowers.

A huge fig tree towering above everything else.

We had an excellent lunch in a pay by weight restaurant and Ron gave us a tour around town after which we returned to Galeao late in the afternoon.